Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Destroy Network Bottlenecks with These Actions

Destroy Network Bottlenecks with These Actions

Network bottlenecks can be a real problem for businesses that depend on significant data transmission as a part of their day-to-day operations. More companies than ever use a lot of different technologies that chew through bandwidth and it can cause their network to move slowly. Let’s go through some of the steps you should take to eliminate these network bottlenecks.

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Cyber hygiene: The key to your business’s good cyber health


We all know that basic hygiene is a must to lead a healthy life. Did you know that the same rule applies to IT as well? There’s something known as cyber hygiene that plays a key role in keeping your business healthy from the IT perspective. So, how do you ensure your business doesn’t fail when it comes to cyber hygiene? Here are a few tips

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Tip of the Week: Use Google Lens with Anything in Google Chrome

Tip of the Week: Use Google Lens with Anything in Google Chrome

If you’ve ever used Google Lens on a mobile device, you know it’s a pretty impressive little tool for contextual searches. However, you can also use these capabilities in the Chrome browser., searching for anything visible in the browser—from text to images, even one captured from a video.

Let’s go over how.

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Free Internet Access? Don’t fall for this one


One of the popular internet scams that has been doing the rounds since 2017 is the one about “Free Internet”. This scam seems to resurface and somehow manages to claim quite a few unsuspecting victims. Here’s how they catch you.

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How to Ensure Secure and Organized File Sharing Capabilities

How to Ensure Secure and Organized File Sharing Capabilities

Modern businesses lean heavily on collaboration, and without efficient and reliable file sharing, that strategy goes out the window. It’s important that you know how to build and maintain solid file sharing practices and get the technology you need to make that possible. In today’s blog, we will give you four tips on how to build an efficient and secure file-sharing platform that can take your business a long way.

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Let’s Talk About the “Compressed” 4-Day Workweek

Let’s Talk About the “Compressed” 4-Day Workweek

The concept of a four-day-long workweek is one of the latest trends that businesses of all shapes and sizes are pondering. It has been touted to have significant benefits for both their operations and the employees who carry them out. However, is the “compressed” workweek the route your business should go?

Well, as is so often the answer, that depends. Let’s examine the concept of a compressed workweek and its application more closely.

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Online shopping? Watch out for these red flags


Who doesn’t like online shopping? Online shopping has opened up a whole new world to us. Get whatever you want, whenever you want, without wandering from store to store. It doesn’t matter if it is too hot to venture outside or if there’s a blizzard out there, you do your shopping from the comfort of your couch and the stuff at your doorstep. You get great deals, some are better than in-store specials. But, did you know cybercriminals love the concept of online shopping as much as you do. Cybercriminals are exploiting the growing popularity of online shopping to cheat unsuspecting buyers through techniques such as phishing, malware injection, etc. Here are a few tips that may work to keep you safe from being a target of cybercriminals as you shop online.

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Three Ways to Effectively Reduce Operational Troubles

Three Ways to Effectively Reduce Operational Troubles

Small businesses often face a range of technology-related challenges that can disrupt the efficiency of their business. Being able to understand the common issues—such as network connectivity problems, outdated technology, or cybersecurity—is the first step toward keeping business running smoothly. By identifying these recurring problems, businesses can anticipate potential disruptions and prepare strategies to reduce their risk.

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DNS Cache poisoning: What every SMB must know


In one of the most common poisoning attacks, the attacker poisons the DNS Cache with the aim of leading visitors to a fake website. In a DNS cache poisoning case, the attacker gains control of the DNS server and then manipulates cache data such that anyone typing the URL of the actual website is redirected to the fake one. This could be a phishing site where the attacker would have carefully laid out a trap to capture the unsuspecting victim’s personal data or secure information. For example, the visitor thinks they are logging into their bank’s website online, but are actually on the attacker’s phishing site, where they enter the login credentials.

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6 Essential Tools for Your Business’ Protection

6 Essential Tools for Your Business’ Protection

Cybersecurity tops the list for any business’ needs, particularly when one considers just how many threats are out there today. This makes it essential that today’s businesses (yours included) put an assortment of cybersecurity tools and protections in place.

We’ve assembled a list of the ones we recommend.

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IT and Security Need to Be on the Same Page

IT and Security Need to Be on the Same Page

By now, you know that every business needs to prioritize its entire security footprint, including technology. The security technology used in businesses today has a huge effect on the overall security of an organization. This means that you have to have a coordinated effort that allows your security initiatives to consider your business’ IT. In today’s blog, we’ll show you how effective organizations consolidate their security using IT.

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Protecting yourself against poison attacks


Data poisoning by way of logic corruption, data manipulation and data injection happen when the attacker finds a way to access your data set. The kind of poison attack varies depending on the level of access the attacker is able to achieve Here’s what you can do to ensure such access is prevented.

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The Challenges of Healthcare IT in a Technologically Advanced World

The Challenges of Healthcare IT in a Technologically Advanced World

Technology continues to play a major role in healthcare, especially as it has become more prominent. Through technology, the healthcare industry has been able to stabilize costs, improve access, and personalize care delivery—challenging concepts in years past. That said, these innovations come at the cost of potential issues with data privacy… issues that become more prominent as technology becomes even more advanced.

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Poison Attacks: A quick overview


Smart technology is everywhere. Not just in our offices, but even in our day-to-day lives with tools like Google Home and Alexa becoming a commonplace. With technology becoming smarter every minute, the risks are increasing by the minute as well. Cybercriminals are finding new ways to corrupt our IT networks to disrupt our businesses, hold our data hostage and even clear our personal bank accounts. Some of the more overt, commonly known acts of cybercrime include hacking, phishing, and ransomware attacks. This blog discusses a lesser-known cybercrime--Poison attacks.

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ALERT: Every Social Security Number Stolen by Hackers

ALERT: Every Social Security Number Stolen by Hackers

We’re still getting more information on this, but at the time of writing this, every American can assume that their social security number has been stolen. Let’s share what we know so far.

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Make Complex, Unique Passwords You Can Actually Remember By Using Passphrases

Make Complex, Unique Passwords You Can Actually Remember By Using Passphrases

Strong passwords are extremely important these days. Cybercriminals only need low-end hardware to crack millions of passwords at once, so it's critical to use random, complex strings of characters.

The bigger problem most users have is using unique passwords for each and every account. Any account is liable to be compromised at any given time, and you might not even know about it. If your password is compromised, the bad guys can use it to access all of your other accounts.

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If You Aren’t Protecting Your Data, You’re Making a Mistake

If You Aren’t Protecting Your Data, You’re Making a Mistake

Modern companies (yours included) should never function without strong cybersecurity measures. This is a stance we will stress at every chance. 

Let's delve into the importance of security and the steps you should implement to protect your business.

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Employee training & Cybersecurity


Employee training will form a big part of the cybersecurity initiative that you will take on as an organization. You need to train your employees to identify and respond correctly to cyberthreats. Here are some employee training best practices that you can make a part of your cybersecurity training program.

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3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Business’ Risk Prevention Strategies

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Business’ Risk Prevention Strategies

Today’s businesses have to deal with many risk factors, especially cybersecurity and its many related concerns. At this year’s Cybsafe Impact 2024 USA conference, intended to share human risk management insights, a very accomplished panel of experts shared various thoughts.

Let’s explore some of the topics this panel spoke on.

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Strengthening your cybersecurity policies


Formulating strong IT policies and laying down the best practices for your staff to follow is one of the best ways to prevent your business from becoming a victim of cybercrime. In this blog, we explore the various areas your IT policy should ideally cover.

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Technology continues to play a major role in healthcare, especially as it has become more prominent. Through technology, the healthcare industry has been able to stabilize costs, improve access, and personalize care delivery—challenging concepts in y...

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